Deadline for Workshop Proposal: April 29, 2019
Deadline for Full Paper Submission (HARD): July 21, 2019
Notification of Paper Acceptance: August 28, 2019
Final Paper Submission: October 7, 2019
Authors' Early Registration: September 25, 2019
Authors' Late Registration: October 18, 2019
Deadline for Workshop Paper Submission (HARD): August 18, 2019
November 12, 2019: The ICUMT 2019 congress photos are available in the Facebook library
October 19, 2019: The ICUMT 2019 Congress detailed program is available here.
October 17, 2019: The ICUMT 2019 Congress At-a-Glance program is available here.
September 30, 2019: The ICUMT 2019 Final Paper Submission deadline has been extended till October 7, 2019.
September 15, 2019: The ICUMT 2019 Final Paper Submission deadline has been extended till September 30, 2019.
September 9, 2019: The ICUMT 2019 registration system has been opened!
August 12, 2019: The ICUMT 2019 Workshop TPC has decided to extend the deadline for Workshop Paper Submission until August 18, 2019 (HARD DEADLINE).
August 6, 2019: Due to numerous requests, the deadline for Workshop Paper Submission has been extended until August 12, 2019.
July 12, 2019: Due to numerous requests, the deadline for Regular Paper Submission has been extended until July 21, 2019 (HARD DEADLINE).
June 28, 2019: The deadline for Regular Paper Submission has been extended until July 12, 2019.
June 20, 2019: The ICUMT 2019 registration fees are available in the section Registration
May 22, 2019: The ICUMT 2019 paper submission system EDAS is now open!
November 14, 2018: The ICUMT 2018 congress photos are available in the Facebook library
November 4, 2018: The issue with incorrect session start and end times in detailed program has been solved.
October 29, 2018: The detailed ICUMT 2018 program is available here. The abstracts of all keynote talks are available in the Keynotes section.
October 4, 2018: The ICUMT 2018 Program at a glance is available here.
September 17, 2018: The ICUMT 2018 organizing committee has decided to extend the Final Paper Submission as well as Authors' Early Registration deadline till this Friday, September 21, 2018.
September 13, 2018: The ICUMT 2018 registration system has been opened!
August 15, 2018: Since the Regular Paper Submission deadline has been extended for more than 3 weeks, the ICUMT 2018 TPC has decided to extend also the Notification of Paper Acceptance deadline until September 3, 2018 to provide sufficient time to
July 11, 2018: Due to numerous requests, the ICUMT 2018 TPC decided to extend the Regular Paper Submission deadline until July 21, 2018 (HARD DEADLINE). To submit your manuscript, please follow the instructions in the Author's area section
July 10, 2018: We are happy to announce the list of workshops co-located with the ICUMT 2018 congress. For more details including the submission deadlines, please follow the Workshops section.
June 29, 2018: The deadline for Regular Paper Submission has been extended until July 11, 2018.
May 23, 2018: The deadline for Call for workshops was extended until June 11, 2018 (hard deadline). We are looking forward to your workshop proposals.
May 22, 2018: The ICUMT 2018 venue will be held in the hotel Courtyard by Marriott Moscow Paveletskaya****, Moscow, Russia.
May 21, 2018: The official theme of the ICUMT 2018 congress will be „Emerging technologies for connected society“.
February 5, 2018: ICUMT 2018 will be hosted this time in Moscow, Russia in November 5 – 9, 2018
Welcome to the website of the ICUMT 2019 – The 11th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems. It is our great pleasure to invite you to ICUMT 2019 which will be hosted this time in Dublin, Ireland in October. The event is organized jointly by Brno University of Technology, Tampere University, University College Dublin, and several industrial partners. We look forward to seeing you in beautiful city of Dublin – rapidly expanding centre of advanced technologies, art, culture, finance, innovations, education, business, and tourism in Ireland!
ICUMT is an IEEE (R8 + UK and Ireland Section) technically co-sponsored (approval pending) premier an annual international congress providing an open forum for researchers, engineers, network planners and service providers targeted on newly emerging algorithms, systems, standards, services, and applications, bringing together leading international players in telecommunications, control systems, automation and robotics. The event is positioned as a major international annual congress for the presentation of original results achieved from fundamental as well as applied research and engineering works.
Following the success of the previous events normally attracting around 120 participants from both academia and industry, ICUMT 2019 is planned as a three-day event offering a number of plenary sessions, technical sessions, and specialized workshops.
Moscow, Russia
Munich, Germany
Lisbon, Portugal
Brno, Czech Republic
St. Petersburg, Russia
Almaty, Kazakhstan