1st International Workshop on Reliable and Secure Internet-of-Things
and Wearables (WeaRIoT’2019)
October 28 – 30, 2019, Dublin, Ireland
In order to submit your paper, please follow this link.
The 1st International Workshop on Reliable and Secure Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Wearables (WeaRIoT’2019) brings together international experts, researchers and practitioners, to present original work on topics related to reliability and security in IoT with close focus on (but not limited to) wearables applications.
The myriads of new Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices mushroom around us every year, slowly but steadily forming the infrastructure for the smart future and contributing to improving the way we live and act. The traditional IoT and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication solutions and technologies are often implemented as best-effort with providing no or very limited Quality-of-Service (QoS), security features and reliability control. However, in the recent years more and more applications imposing these features do appear. Among these are, for example, the variety of industrial IoT applications including the critical infrastructure area monitoring. For this reason, the workshop provides a forum to discuss the various issues, trade-offs, methods, and practical experiences related to the current state and the further improvement of security, reliability and dependability of IoT in general, and the wearables, as an important part of today’s IoT, in particular. Even though the primary focus of the workshop is on the reliable and secure wireless communication for IoT and wearables, the papers addressing other relevant aspects (e.g., computing, sensing, localizing or design methodologies) also fill within the scope of interest of the forum. The Workshop is targeted to bring together top specialists and stimulate the cutting-edge research discussions among academic researchers and industrial from all around the world.
Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length original and previously unpublished papers. Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at last two members of the Scientific Programme Committee. The congress organizers reserve the right to not include a paper to the Proceedings if the congress registration fee is not paid or if the paper is not presented on the ICUMT 2019 congress.
Security and reliability challenges related to IoT and wearables.
Reliability and security aspects of wireless communication for IoT and wearables.
Reliability and security performance of state-of-the-art and perspective IoT wireless communication solutions.
Methods and techniques to improve the reliability/dependability/security for IoT communication and operation, IoT applications, and wearables.
Trade-offs for reliability, security, safety, performance in IoT and wearables.
Security and privacy including trustworthiness in IoT and wearables.
Intrusion detection and prevention including malware in IoT and wearables solutions.
Threat modelling and risk assessment in IoT and wearables.
Solutions for reliable and secure architecture or infrastructure for IoT and wearables.
Industrial IoT.
Localization for IoT and wearables.
Reliable sensing and data processing for IoT and wearables.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), automotive and autonomous systems.
Design of IoT/wearable devices and systems for reliability and security.
Reliability/Security standardization and certification for IoT and wearables.
Results of practical experiments and real-life deployments, especially in wearables and Industrial IoT domains.
Authors should prepare a PDF file following the IEEE single-space, two-column format using at least 10-point size type. The paper must be correctly formatted to fit on A4. The paper should not exceed 6 pages including figures, tables & references. Maximum 4 additional pages are allowed. Additional pages will be overcharged. The papers cannot exceed 10 pages, otherwise they will be automatically rejected. The cost of overcharge per page is indicated in the Registration Fees. The paper must be submitted in PDF format via the EDAS System. The list of authors in the submitted manuscript should correspond to the list of the authors in EDAS. The WeaRIoT’2019 workshop proceedings will be included into the ICUMT proceedings and will be together submitted for indexing in IEEE, Scopus and Web of Science databases.
Deadline for Regular Paper Submission: August 5, 2019
Notification of Paper Acceptance: August 26, 2019
Final Paper Submission: September 15, 2019
Authors’ Early Registration and Payment: September 15, 2019
Authors’ Late Registration and Payment: October 14, 2019
Konstantin Mikhaylov, University of Oulu, Finland (konstantin.mikhaylov@oulu.fi)
Radek Fujdiak, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic (fujdiak@vutbr.cz)
Aleksandr Ometov, Tampere Universiry, Finland (aleksandr.ometov@tuni.fi)
Pavel Masek, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic (masekpavel@vutbr.cz)
Aleksandr Ometov, Tampere University
Krystof Zeman, Brno University of Technology
Zhaleh Sadreddini, Giresun University, Turkey
Franz Kröpfl, Telekom Austria Group, Austria
Dmitry Kozyrev, RUDN University, Russia
Milan Simek, Sewio Networks, Czech Republic
Otto Zeman, Vodafone Czech Republic, Czech Republic
University of Oulu, Finland
Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Tampere University, Finland
© ICUMT 2019