SASN, October 12-13
The First International Workshop on Scalable AdHoc and Sensor Networks
Contacts: Marcello Caleffi, University of Naples "Federico II", Itlay
UMSA, October 12
Ubiquitous Multimedia Systems and Applications
Contacts: Marco Roccetti, University of Bologna, Italy, and Claudio Palazzi, University of Padua, Italy
MENS, October 12
International Workshop on Management of Emerging Networks and Services – MENS2009
Contacts: Jianguo Ding, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
SEACUBE, October 12
The Workshop on Sensing and Acting in Ubiquitous Environments
Contact: Dominik Lieckfeldt, University of Rostock, Germany
CWCN, October 12
The Workshop on Cognitive Wireless Communications and Networking
Contacts: Victor Leung, University of British Columbia, Canada
WI-OPT, October 13
The International Workshop on Wireless and Optical Networks
Contacts: Georgios Papadimitriou and Petros Nicopolitidis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Nets4Cars, October 13-14
The International Workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles
Contact: Alexey Vinel, SPIIRAS, Russia
OPNDTS, October 13-14
Optical Networking Technologies and Data Security
Contacts: S.K.Sudheer, VIT University, India
RNDM, October 14
The Workshop on Reliable Networks Design and Modeling
Contacts: Jacek Rak, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
WMCNT, October 14
The International Workshop on Mobile Computing and Networking Technologies
Contacts: Georgios I. Tsiropoulos and Dimitrios G. Stratogiannis, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece
P2PNet, October 14
The International Workshop on Peer-To-Peer Networking
Contacts: Yang Chen, Tsinghua University, China
ANVIT, October 14
The International Workshop on Advances in Computer Networks, VLSI and Innovative Technologies ANVIT 2009
Contacts: Nitin, Jaypee University of Information Technology, India
E-DTN, October 14
The Workshop on the Emergence of Delay-Tolerant Networks
Contact: Lefteris Mamatas, UCL, UK
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